Erica Burgess

Senior Consultant


Meet Erica

Erica Burgess, BSW, brings over 20 years of experience of combined direct care and management experience in the child welfare system through the private sector.  The majority of Erica’s career was spent as the Director of Foster Care and Adoption for a North Carolina nonprofit.  Her years working in the private sector have provided Erica with the experience and knowledge in child welfare including program development, staff development and training, fiscal oversight, program evaluation, consultation, and project management.  Erica has a passion for improving the lives of the children and families served in the child welfare system.  She has specific expertise in the areas of foster care, adoption, kinship care, licensure, programming for transition-age youth, and recruitment and retention of foster, adoptive and kinship caregivers.

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Over 400 years of combined experience in the state government and health and human services arena.