Beth Romans, Ed. S.

Senior Consultant


Meet Beth

In addition to her role with CCR Consulting, Beth Romans, Ed. S.  is a Transition Specialist with Cherokee Central Schools, a Tribe controlled school system located on the Qualla Boundary where she works with teachers, families, community partners and most importantly students to assist them in developing the skills and supports they need to live to their full level of independence. She has been both a Regional Director for Special Olympics Florida and a Program Manager with the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc. (FDDC). Her position at FDDC gave her the opportunity to co-facilitate the Employment First Collaborative Team and oversee 21 Project SEARCH sites. Beth has also spent 10 years working in Orange County Public Schools where she served as a classroom teacher, member of the Autism Support Team, Transition team member and a Behavior Specialist at a separate day school for individuals with significant behaviors.

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Over 400 years of combined experience in the state government and health and human services arena.